Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Eve of the Nativity

Isaiah 9:3-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-20

A homily by Fr. Gene Tucker, given at Trinity Church, Mt. Vernon, Illinois on Tuesday, December 24, 2013.


            Why am I a Christian?

            The main reason is that I am a selfish and self-centered person.

             Because I am a selfish and self-centered person, I tend to look out for my own welfare, to be sure to take care of the things that will make my life fuller and better.

            So because I am a selfish and self-centered person, I like the fact that God reached out to me personally by sending His Son, Jesus, to seek me out, and to care for my well-being and welfare.  Jesus came for me, personally and individually.

            I like that, a lot!

            I also like the fact that Jesus, God’s great gift to me, came as a baby.  I like the fact that He didn’t come as a conquering hero, riding in on a white horse to tell me what to do, and how to do it.  He didn’t come and demand that I cower in fear of Him.  He didn’t come and do things that would make me want to hide from Him.

            Instead, God’s gift, Jesus, came to serve me, to love me, and to invite me into a close relationship with God, a relationship that has changed my life completely, a relationship that will last as long as I do, and then will endure beyond the end of my life on this earth into all eternity.

            I like all these things, and especially the fact that I matter so much to God that God came for me personally and especially.  He came to find me, and find me, He did!

            For, you see, part of me is selfish and self-centered.  That part of me that is selfish and self-centered needs to be appreciated, to be loved, to be admired.

            Now what I’ve just said about myself, that business about being selfish and self-centered, could also be said about every one of us here tonight….we are all selfish and self-centered, at least to some degree.  (Alright, I’ll admit that most of you aren’t as selfish and self-centered as I am.)  That part of us that needs to be admired, to be loved, and to be appreciated, longs to feed us with the important knowledge that we matter to someone, that someone loves us beyond ourselves. 

            That someone is God.

            God is the One who send His only-begotten Son, Jesus, to seek us out, to find us, to invite us into a deep, loving and abiding embrace, a close relationship that tells us “I am important to God.”

            So what should our response be?

            Since each of us is selfish and self-centered, to some extent at least, should we simply soak up all of God’s attention, love and care, and wallow in all that good, Godly stuff?

            Or should we respond to God’s overture of love by loving Him back?

            Ah yes, that is the answer:  God loved us so much that He gave His only-begotten Son (John 3:16), that God wants us to respond in love to His love, by entering into a deep, abiding and loving embrace with God through Jesus Christ.

            When we do, then everything in life will change, and not only in this life, but in the life of the world to come, as well.

            Thank you, God, for loving each one of us so much, telling us that we are important, that we matter to You, by sending us the gift of your Son to show us the way to your heart.  By your grace, open our hearts to receive your loving gift, Jesus, so that we may respond in love to your overture of love.